Quick & Easy Crafts for your ESL Halloween Lessons
There is so many fun things you can do in your lessons in the lead up to Halloween. Here at ESL KidStuff you can find a full Halloween lesson plan, a downloadable Halloween song, lots of Halloween games & activities, Halloween flashcards and worksheets and craft sheets.
Crafts are popular and fun thing to do in your Halloween lessons – kids of all ages love doing them!. Here are 10 great crafts you can use in your Halloween lessons:
1. Halloween paper plate mask craft. You’ll need enough paper plates for each student with elastic straps to keep the masks on. The you can use as many craft supplies as you like to decorate the masks – colored pens, glitter, felt, wool, pipe cleaners, stickers, colored card, tape, glue, etc.
Then have your students go wild creating their own masks. It helps if there are pictures of Halloween characters to use for inspiration (check out our flashcards). You can even have a competition with prizes (e.g. best witch, scariest mask, funniest mask, etc.)!
2. Hand-print ghosts poster. Upside down hand prints make great ghosts! Get everyone to paint their hands white and place upside down on black construction paper. Then paint on eyes and other decorations.
3. Paper Pumpkin craft. This is a nice easy craft to decorate your classroom with. Get brown paper bags and stuff them full of newspaper. Then paint orange and use green yarn to tie the top. Finally add cut out eyes and mouths.
4. Happy Halloween Cards. This is a really fun and easy way to make Halloween cards. Give out a piece of construction paper to each student and get them to follow your instructions (you can model and they follow along): Fold it in half. Open up the card and squeeze some paint in the middle of the card. Fold it back in half and press down with your fingers, spreading the paint out. Open the paper and let the paint dry. Then you can create all sorts of Halloween characters such as ghosts, bats, spiders, monsters, pumpkins, black cats, etc.
5. Cotton ball ghosts. This one is very simple and great for little ones to do. Before class cut out the ghost shape on white card and then the black eye and mouth shapes out of felt. Get lots of cotton balls. Have your students put glue all over the ghost shaped card and stick on cotton balls, covering the whole card. Then glue on the eyes and mouth.
You can hang the finished crafts all over the walls.
6. Egg carton bat decorations. Get all of your students to help decorate your classroom with these egg carton bats. Just cut out 3 of the cups from an egg carton, cut shapes out of the outer two cups to make wings, paint black and finish by adding some eyes.
You can hang them on the ceiling of your classroom.